Measuring smartness of innovation policy
Preberite si članek Measuring smartness of innovation policy, katerega soavtorica je mag. Karin Žvokelj Jazbinšek.
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The “smart specialisation” is a concept introduced for enhancing innovation in the European Union (EU). Smartness lies in entrepreneurial discovery of areas of specialisations that best fit innovation potential of the territory. Smartness is studied at meso level as an area of horizontal overlaps between three domains of knowledge triangle: education, research, and innovation. Overlap is measured with correlation of evaluated policy instruments’ impacts on three evaluation domains. Case study suggests that vertical and horizontal, or “dumb” and “smart” aspects of innovation policy are both important for policy success. This suggests a new policy concept of country’s specialisation in innovation that is not merely smart but fully mesoscopic. Abstract The “smart specialisation” is a concept introduced for enhancing innovation in the European Union (EU). Smartness lies in entrepreneurial discovery of areas of specialisations that best fit innovation potential of the territory. Smartness is studied at meso level as an area of horizontal overlaps between three domains of knowledge triangle: education, research, and innovation. Overlap is measured with correlation of evaluated policy instruments’ impacts on three evaluation domains. Case study suggests that vertical and horizontal, or “dumb” and “smart” aspects of innovation policy are both important for policy success. This suggests a new policy concept of country’s specialisation in innovation that is not merely smart but fully mesoscopic.
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